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Dave Starbuck Norfolk mobile DJ


Excellence in host and compere skills so you can be confident that your event will run smoothly and professionally.

Dave Starbuck Roadshow, Norfolk wedding DJ.


Norfolk’s premier wedding DJ: versatile, reassuring, confident, and professional with a wealth of experience! Extensive  Music Library: every era, every genre, carefully selected for you  and your guests, including the all-important first dance.


Dave Starbuck, mobile wedding DJ Norfolk.

School Dances
& Proms

All the kit and caboodle to ensure a fun and memorable occasion for all age ranges.

Dave Starbuck Roadshow mobile disco

Private Celebrations

Engagements, milestone birthdays, anniversaries- whatever the occasion, leave it to the professional so that you can worry less and dance more!

Norfolk school prom DJ Dave Starbuck
The Dave Starbuck Roadshow disco Norfolk

©2014 Dave Starbuck

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